
【獎學金公告】德國Offenburg University of Applied Sciences - Baden-Württemberg scholarships


【德國獎學金資訊】Baden-Württemberg Scholarship at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences 歐群歐芬堡理工大學

本校德國姊妹校Offenburg University of Applied Sciences於2021/2122學年度提供獎學金申請機會!!


Baden-Württemberg Scholarship

  1. The Baden-Württemberg Foundation offers scholarships for highly qualified students wanting to study one semester at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences in the academic year 2021/22
  2. Semester dates: 一年僅有一次申請機會,若是有意申請2021年秋季班或是2022年春季班交換研修,皆須於本次提出申請。
    • Winter semester (October 2021 - February 2022)
    • Summer semester (March - July 2022)
  3. Monthly scholarship rate: Minimum € 700,00 (for a minimum of 3 months)
  4. Requirements:
    1. Application Form (請於下載附件填寫)
    2. Letter of Motivation
    3. CV incl. photo
    4. Planned study program at Offenburg University (minimum 15 ECTS)
    5. Transcript of Records
    6. Proof of Matriculation
    7. Letter of Recommendation by a Professor
    8. German or English language proof for level B1 (CEFR Level: TOEFL ITP500 / IELTS 5.0含以上), depending on language of instruction
  5. Deadline for applications: 2021/03/22 (一) 17:00前繳齊出國研修申請表及上述相關備審資料。
  6. Please hand in your application to: Ms. June Yang, 411中心(主顧樓R315)。


In addition to handing in the documents, all nominated students have to register with the Baden-Württeberg foundation under the following link https://www.bws-world.de/portal/registration?network=3 , enter their personal data and upload Letter of Motivation, CV and Transcripts of Records.

For more information cencerning the semester at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, please see the following website https://incoming.hs-offenburg.de/en/exchange-students/ 



<姊妹校Offenburg University of Applied Sciences簡介>

Offenburg University of Applied Sciences ~ 4.400 students (~ 570 international students) in the departments of Mechanical & Process Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Medical Engineering and Computer Science, Media & Information, Business & Industrial Engineering.

One campus is located in the city of Offenburg (“Campus for Engineering Programs”) and two campuses in the historic town of Gengenbach (“Campus for Business and Industrial Engineering Programs”).
Undergraduate courses are generally taught in German, but we also offer a great variety of undergraduate courses in English language. Master programs are taught in German and International Master Degree programs in English.

For detailed information, please check our website: http://incoming.hs-offenburg.de/en/exchange-students-and-special-programs/

Accompanying German language classes are offered during the lecture period; an intensive course of German language and culture takes place every September for four weeks and orientation days take place every March, prior to semester start. Any effort to learn German is recommended and appreciated.

The city of Offenburg (population: appr. 60.000) is located in southwest Germany in the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, at the foothills of the Black Forest, the European capital Strasbourg (France) is in the west (distance 20 km) and Switzerland in the south (120 km). The city and the surrounding region are known for beautiful landscapes, picturesque towns and very good quality wines.
