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Universal Learning:I-Corner


"I-Corner" aims to promote international cultural exchange activities, providing students with a complete international learning environment and a comprehensive cultural curriculum, which includes cultures, traditions, customs, lifestyles, pop music, art, food, religious beliefs and other countries. In particular, students participate in the "University Learning" to enhance their motivation and international perspective, and then apply to participate in the 411 study tour program. 411 means that students will study abroad at least once during the summer and summer vacations in the university, or study abroad as an exchange student. The International and Cross-Strait Affairs Office will provide information on overseas study tours and scholarship announcements from time to time. It is expected to expand the world outlook of students and the care of the global village.

◆Event information

Time: Tuesday to Thursday 12:10-13:00

Venue: International Corner, 7th Floor, Providence Hall (turn right at the elevator exit)