IMAT 2021: Innovation for Modern Advanced Teaching
IMAT 2021 2021 focuses on education and the digital economy as challenges for this new decade, as this conjunctural situation defies conventional assumptions in research in these areas. Research must provide society with the tools to make the most of this reality, unveiling new and untapped opportunities. The main objective of IMAT is to create a network of expert researchers, entrepreneurs and institutional representatives who contribute their knowledge on trends in innovation and education in the digital economy.
With this call, we invite you to participate in IMAT by sending your contributions to share your research, results and innovative experiences.
Organizer: ESIC Business & Marketing School (Spain) and the Miguel Hernández University (Spain)
Conference Date: 1 st and 2 nd of July 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Call for papers!
- Topics:
- Educating on Sustainable Development Goals
- Education and the digital economy
- Technology transfer
- University-Business Collaboration
- Entrepreneurship and education
- Education and globalisation
- International educational experiences
- Mobility programmes
- Competency-based learning
- Leadership in education
- Barriers to hybrid learning
- New technologies for education
- Motivating the student remotely
- Perceptions of teaching
- New learning and teaching techniques
- Flipped Classroom
- Hackaton and challenges: experiences and results
- Digital mobility
- Debate as a tool for developing critical thinking
- Educational gamification
- Informal learning
- Case methods (digital/hybrid)
- Educational digital tools
- Digital startups in times of COVID
- LATAM, digital education challenges
- How to Participate:
- Submitting a 500 - 1000 word abstract in English through the online platform ( before March 1, 2021.
- After acceptance of abstracts, authors may participate in IMAT:
- Submitting a poster through the platform by 30th May 2021.
- Submitting a work in progress (1000 to 2000 words) by 30th May 2021.
- Submitting a full research paper by 30th May 2021. Full papers will be eligible for publication in one of the Conference Special Issues.
- All abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN.
- The submission rules and templates are available on the Conference website (www.imat-
- Key Dates:
- Abstract submission: 1st March 2021
- Notification of acceptance: 1st April 2021
- Submission of full papers (articles or posters): 30th May 2021
- Registration deadline: 1st June 2021
- Conference: 1st and 2nd July 2021
- Publications: The best full papers will have the possibility of being published on a Special Issue. For more information, please visit
- Awards: IMAT will grant several awards from our sponsors to the best papers and presentations. For more information, please visit
We look forward to your (faculty members from Providence University) participation!
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. June Yang (International Office of Providence University):