2021 The 7th Taiwan in my eyes 120h-SDGs Carnival
活動簡介 Introduction:
其中自選點選擇需與聯合國發布之 17項永續發展目標SDGs有關。
The event deploys team style participation over 5 days of activities, during which team members will visit several benchmark enterpeises to conduct on-site field visits exploring sustainability dimensions: there is also much free time during the activity period, provided for teams to visit their own selected sites to explore Taiwan's sustainability dimensions, and during the five days at least six self-selected sites must be visited. The self-selected sites there must have connections to the 17 SDGs.
主辦單位 Host Organization:
1. 中鼎教育基金會(CTCI Education Foundation, CECI EF)
2. 台灣企業永續研訓中心(Center for Corporate Sustainability, CCS)
Official Website: http://www.ctcief.org/page.aspx?SID=688
活動地點 Event Venue:
組隊資格 Team Formation Guidelines:
每隊為4人,預計招收 12支隊伍,共計 48位學員。
四人國籍皆須不相同且須為同校生,同時,須包含一位本國籍學生。 每人僅可報名一隊,不可重複報名。如有偽造或與事實不符之情事,主辦單位得逕取消該隊參與活動資格。
Each team must be composed of 4 persons, and we anticipate 12 teams participating, for a total of 48 students.
The four team members must be from the same university, among them one student must be from Taiwan, and the other three should be of different foreign nationalities and at least one must from Taiwan. Each person may only register for one team, and no duplicative registration is permitted. If there are any counterfeit or misleading declarations contrary to truth, the organizers reserve the right to cancel the entire team’s registration qualifications.
Note 1: Those whom have participated in Taiwan in My Eyes 120h in the past are not eligible of rejoining this event.
獎學金 Scholarships
實地探索獎學金 (Experiential Discovery Activity Scholarships):
每人新台幣6仟元、合計每隊新台幣2萬4仟元 (Each team member with NT$6,000, for a total of NT$24,000 per team.)
中鼎國際交流獎學金 (CTCI Exchange Scholarships):
第一名計1隊,獎學金新台幣10萬元整。The First Prize winner for 1 team of the “CTCI CSR Scholarship” receiving NT$100,000,
第二名計2隊,獎學金新台幣5萬元整。The Second Prize for 2 teams receiving NT$50,000,
第三名計4隊,獎學金新台幣3萬元整。The Third Prize for 4 teams receiving NT$30,000,
其餘優秀隊伍經評審委員核可具獲獎資格者皆頒發獎學金新台幣2萬元整。The remaining teams selected by the judges with qualification for recognition each receiving NT$20,000 scholarships.
如何報名 How to Sign up?
*If you would like to know about the details, please click the "Registration Requirements" link below to figure out what's our event about? And how to sign up? Thank You!!!
聯絡方式 Contact Informaiton:
若有任何疑問處,歡迎與我們中鼎教育基金會(CTCI EF)聯繫。
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us, CTCI Education Foundation (CTCI EF).
中鼎教育基金會CTCI Education Foundation, CTCI EF
探索台灣工作小組 Team of Taiwan in My Eyes
電話 Tel: 02-2769-8599
電子信箱 Email: service@ctcief.org