印尼三校聯合短期課程-文化的多樣性(Sura-Bali Community Immersion Program 2020)


印尼三所大學Universitas UdayanaUniversitas AirlanggaUniversitas Kristen Petra聯合舉辦為期7天的短期課程




費用:免費 (前5名最佳參與者可獲得AMERTA線上課程獎學金)




We are pleased to inform you that the three renowned universities in East Java and Bali, namely Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Udayana and Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya, will conduct our first online international short program, “Sura-Bali Community Immersion Program 2020”, which will be held on 16-27 November 2020.

The program will be virtually held for 7 days, of which the first phase of the program will be conducted by Universitas Udayana, with the next phase will be carried out by Universitas Airlangga and Universitas Kristen Petra respectively. Voicing the theme of “Cultural Diversity”, the participants are invited to explore the diversity of Indonesian culture, specifically in East Java and Bali. The participants will also get the chance to get exposed to the uniqueness of the community, as well as its tourism activities and how they thrive during the pandemic. Covering three broad topics which include the Balinese Community Culture, East Java Community Based Tourism and East Java Culture through Art, we believe that the program will be able to help enrich the participant’s knowledge on Indonesian diverse culture.


For more information:Here